
Showing posts from September, 2020

Week #3 - Proud Teacher of AMAZING STUDENTS!

 Dear Families, Another meaningful week for us!  I am very pleased with how my students have smoothly transitioned from their distance learning and holidays to now being in class full time with all the new rules and routines placed upon them as a result of COVID-19 still being active.   I am VERY PROUD and so, SO PLEASED with their efforts and hard work.  It is truly a JOY being back at school and I think I can say for us all, what a gift it is to learn and grow from one another :)  As you’ve probably gathered from my blog updates, we have been go, Go, GO with our learning in class!  Look at how much we’ve accomplished in a mere 3 weeks!  Looking forward to much more learning to be done in the coming weeks.  Stay tuned! Student Absences: As the school year is now underway, we've noticed an increase in student absences.  I recognize the reasoning for this and really appreciate your (parents) efforts by taking the precautionary measures with your child(ren) who are experiencing ANY s

Second Week of School - SUPER CALM & COOL!

 Dear Families, Wow!  We've already completed our second week of school!  Time flies when you're actively engaged in your learning and having FUN!  The energy of our staff and students continues to be happy, healthy, and SAFE.  This will be an ongoing goal for us. Thank you to the families who have taken the time to check out my last blog update!  I have received positive feedback from parents and students which made my day!  I will continue providing you all with updates and highlights each week. Great news!  The blog is now accessible at our  Nottawa Website    Click on "classes" --> Pareen Gill Brain Breakfast: This week, I provided students with math warm-up activities called "Brain Breakfast" which link directly with the math expectations.  When students arrive to class each morning, they quietly get out their folders and complete 5 assigned math questions.  This gets their brain alert and ready for the day's math lesson.  See sample below.   We

First Week of School - superb startup!

Dear Families, Welcome to our  2020/2021 Classroom Blog !  I'm delighted to begin this educational journey with your child and YOU - providing you with updates and news of ALL our exciting learning and upcoming events from our "Class Family" to your “Home Family.”    This blog serves as a tool for us (teacher - parents/guardians) to communicate and celebrate your child's academic, social, and emotional learning in grade 3!   If you wish to communicate via email, please don't hesitate to contact me at  I check my email regularly :) My brother Anil, my Ma Shiva, and ME :) My partner Dan and I puzzling Please note, I will be  updating my blog weekly  (every Friday).  Y ou will get the opportunity to read specific highlights in our learning week to week.   It is my goal to ensure my families consistently remain updated with what is happening in our classroom.  I have every confidence that I have your support to help reinforce key teachings as well w