First Week of School - superb startup!

Dear Families,

Welcome to our 2020/2021 Classroom Blog!  I'm delighted to begin this educational journey with your child and YOU - providing you with updates and news of ALL our exciting learning and upcoming events from our "Class Family" to your “Home Family.”  

This blog serves as a tool for us (teacher - parents/guardians) to communicate and celebrate your child's academic, social, and emotional learning in grade 3!  

If you wish to communicate via email, please don't hesitate to contact me at 
I check my email regularly :)

My brother Anil, my Ma Shiva, and ME :)

My partner Dan and I puzzling

Please note, I will be 
updating my blog weekly (every Friday).  You will get the opportunity to read specific highlights in our learning week to week.  

It is my goal to ensure my families consistently remain updated with what is happening in our classroom.  I have every confidence that I have your support to help reinforce key teachings as well which I appreciate immensely.

Image result for thumbs up

Please take the time with your child to check out my blog updates at some point over the weekends :)

Together, we will work as a dedicated T.E.A.M. = 'Together Everybody Achieves More' to support your child's academic, social, emotional, and behavioural goals.

As a teacher, I strongly believe in sound parent-child-teacher communication and working closely to help my students rise to their highest potential!  Thus far, I have noticed my students are all striving to put in their 'Level 4 Personal Best' in tasks set before them.  I am optimistic we will continue our learning journey with purposepassion, and productivity!

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to all the parents who have already actively supported and engaged in their child's learning at home thus far - together, we can continue making a significant difference by working together.  I could not do this without your unconditional love and support; it is greatly valued and cherished!

World Health Organization (WHO) Hand Washing Technique:
I recognize that many of our new routines at school due to COVID-19 can be daunting and overwhelming for our children.  I promise to do my part to ensure your child feels calm and takes measures to try to keep safe.  

There are many preventative measures and hygiene etiquette we can follow in order to protect ourselves.  At school, we will strive to do this each and everyday so your child is SAFE, HEALTHY, & HAPPY!  

Please take a moment to watch the video below to reinforce the best way to wash your hands.  I am confident many of you have already educated your children about this, I am just here as a friendly reminder about the importance that we wash our hands for at least 20 seconds to get rid of all the germs.  

This video follows the guidelines and technique suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO).  I believe it is important to continue educating ourselves on these topics and find resources that offer solid and practical advice.  Thank you for your support in this endeavour.  

COVID-19 Respiratory Etiquette:
Below is some information about respiratory etiquette that we went over in class.

School Website:
Please visit our school website for news and updates.  Additionally, our principal is working hard on making class blogs accessible through our website by next week!  Stay tuned!  Thank you to Mr. Perry for doing this for us.  
Classroom Expectations:  
Below, you will find a variety of photographs which we have worked on in class to establish our rules and routines.  My top priority is to ensure your child is safe at all times and that is why I will continually be reinforcing these expectations.  

Please click on the photographs below to enlarge them and have your child explain and share these learnings with you.

Class Promise:
Every day after O’Canada and the morning announcements, we as a class community read aloud “Our Class Promise” to help us set a positive intention for our school day.  It has been going very well this week and students are saying it with pride.  There are hand actions that go along with this, see if your child can show you these as they say the Promise.

Perhaps your child has talked about doing “Brain Gym” and “Meditation” in class?  If so, yes we have!  Each day after our nutrition and fitness breaks, I have been leading brain gym exercises followed by meditation.  It serves as a tool for students to exercise their brain helpers to improve their focus, concentration, and being more mindful and present in their learning.  Eventually, I will have one student a day to lead our class in these exercises which they’ll love and it'll help build their leadership skills! 

The photograph below shows you our mindfulness wall and students’ responses about how brain gym and meditation helps us!  Can your child state the “3 brain helpers” and their function?  

If not right now, don’t worry, I will be referring to these all year long so students will get a greater understanding of these over the school year.

Math Mindset:
For some, math can be an intimidating subject.  I know it was for me when I was in school.  As a teacher now, I want to help your child feel success and that they can achieve in math, so there was a greater emphasis this week on mindset videos and math posters to shift our thinking from a ‘fixed mindset’ to a ‘growth mindset.’  This being, that when we make mistakes, it’s not a negative thing, instead, it helps us learn and grow our brain power!  Watch the video below to learn about how mistakes are powerful!

Welcome Back Bag:
I hope your child enjoyed sharing his or her goody bag with YOU!  The purpose of this was to welcome all my students and to remember that each item represents something special and meaningful :)  Do you remember what the pencil, eraser, smarties, lifesaver, starburst represent?  HINT:  check out the poem below!  


Growth Mindset:
What is Growth Mindset?  "In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.  Brains and talent are just the starting point.  This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment." 

Image result for growth mindset

Studies have been done to show the significant difference in a child's confidence and belief in themselves and their abilities when they think in growth mindset ways.  Change your words.  Change your MINDset.  

In our class, I have dedicated a wall that teaches our children to train their brain to think, speak, and act in ways that promote growth as opposed to fixed mindsets.  

Here's a video called "A secret about the BRAIN."  It's episode 1 of 5 that I showed the kids in class.  We'll watch episode 2 next week and talk about the key learnings.  

Terry Fox who is an excellent model for Growth Mindset.  He taught us the importance of never giving up no matter what challenge or obstacle is set before us.  It's hard to believe any greater challenge to face than cancer, yet he continued to believe and his powerful messages of #courage #hope #perseverance lives on to this day! 

In class, Terry's thoughts, words, and actions will be emphasized daily :)  We can be like Terry's Mindset too, if we TRY. 

Each week, I will post a new Growth Mindset quote on my blog as well as in the classroom for my students to visibly see every day and they will also write it down in their agenda and share with you!  

I truly feel, if we begin thinking in positive ways, we will act in it!  We not only help ourselves achieve our best, but we create a classroom community that emits growth!

Image result for growth mindset

Student Information Sheet:
Thank you to all the families who took the time to fill in the student information sheet.  I am very grateful for the thoroughness that went into this process.  Your input will serve as a very valuable tool for me to get to know your child and how I can best meet their academic, social, emotional, and behavioural strengths and needs.

If you have not sent it in yet, no worries, please do so at your earliest convenience.  Thank you.

Thank you to Ben and his family for providing some extra boxes of Kleenex and school supplies.  When Ben presented this to me, I was so touched.  I really appreciate your generosity and kindness!  

Kleenex® Facial Tissues, Wet Wipes & Disposable Hand Towels

Cartoon School Supplies, PNG, 1384x1042px, Watercolor, Artwork, Cartoon,  Coloring Book, Education Download Free

Spirit Day:
Thank you to all the staff and students who participated in Raptors spirit day!  It was wonderful to see all the support for our Toronto NBA team who play game 7 tonight to see if they advance to the Eastern Conference finals!

I'm a huge Raptors fan so I was definitely dressed from head to toe in Raptors gear!  Let's GO RAPTORS!

Mindfulness Video:
In this powerful short film, take a moment to watch and hear from elementary school students learning to use mindfulness to navigate complex feelings.  

As shared above, in class we regularly participate in mindfulness activities such as BRAIN GYM and MEDITATION.  Students are enjoying these tools to help with smoother transitions from recess to back to in class learning.  It truly is remarkable the profound impact it has on their focus, energy, and output in their learning.  Our classroom instantaneously becomes such a calm and peaceful environment.  

Take a moment to watch the video below and then please ask your child the following: 

What are some of mindfulness strategies used in the video to help you calm down when you're feeling upset or unsettled?  

Just before bedtime, try sitting or laying down and meditate for 1 minute.  Try breathing deeply in and out.  Sweet dreams :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my first blog post.  This will be one of many to come!  I look forward to sharing more weekly news, updates, learning and pictures next week.  A friendly reminder, I will be posting every Friday, so you can read and see what we've been up to all week!  YAY :) 

Growth Mindset:

Miigwetch (ask your child what this means),
Ms. Gill


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