Distance Learning Jan. 11-15th

Dear Families,

Can you believe we’ve already completed our second week of distance learning after the break?!  It is zipping by!  Not surprisingly for our class family though as we’re making the most of this virtual platform experience learning and growing together!  

Have I shared just how lucky I am to be your child’s teacher?  Being in this position is truly a dream come true for me!  Surely it's not ideal for me to teach from a screen, but I will continue putting forth my personal best, this I promise to each and every one of YOU!!

Thank you for all the feedback parents, please know I take everything you suggest to heart and will do my best to make adjustments so our experience for virtual learning continues to be meaningful for your child and you!

Distance Learning Updates:

I shared with in you in an email earlier this week, but I will repeat some pertinent information again just in case you missed it.   

I realize you're probably bombarded with work emails too and then all your children's teachers emailing you as well.  I will DO MY BEST to keep my mass emails to a minimum.

1.  Daily Google Meets from 9:15AM - 10:40AM & 11:30AM - 12:10PM

2.  Please print out the two weeks worth of DAILY MATH (aka "Brain Breakfast") & GRAMMAR sheets I sent to you via email, link is in a PDF.  Your child needs this to actively participate in our daily Meets.  

I am encouraging your child to begin/complete his or her daily math questions prior to our 9:15AM Meets so they are ready to contribute answers during consolidation.  Most of these math concepts are a review so they should be able to complete it.  I will spend some time reinforcing these learned concepts to help ensure they remain locked in your child's HIPPOCAMPUS ;) 

3.  Please have your child practice his or her word study words using the WORD STUDY CHOICE BOARD link that I provide in their daily slide work.  As a result, there will not be additional word study 'homework' sheets as we continue D.L. 

4.  As we continue our distance learning, I will be using the platforms of Google Meets, Google Classroom (providing daily/ongoing/descriptive feedback), and email to continue connecting with students and families to keep you up to date of what's happening in our learning as well as the expectations! 

5.  As such for the remainder of virtual learning, I will be taking a pause on my weekly blog updates.  Please note, I will always highlight students' achievements and expectations in our MEETS and in my CLASSWORK that I assign.

I look forward to resuming my blog posts when we're back to IN-CLASS learning :)


This week's language focused on 'DETERMING IMPORTANCE.'  At the beginning of the week, your child completed a variety of tasks in which he or she had to determine, choose and explain 3 important items that are needed to play the game of baseball and go sledding.  

I offered specific and descriptive feedback to help improve upon your child's achievement in this area.  Please take the time to go over this with them if you haven't already done so :)

The image below was part of a lesson I did on a Meet to explicitly show the kids how to use this as a tool to help them identify the important parts in a text.    

Students listened to the book (which I LOVED, video below) and did a solid job in sharing with me the important parts in the beginning, middle, and end of the story "Breaking News."  I was delighted to read their responses to what they felt was the author's message! 

I mindfully chose this story as it connects well to what we are all experiencing right now.  I hope its message resonates and provides some comfort for your child and YOU!

"Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with GREAT LOVE."  


This week in math, students completed a variety of money problems using the 4-Block Method.  We're really getting the hang of utilizing this tool with growing confidence; it is something that can be used throughout your child's education from grades 4-12.  

As we continue our distance learning for problem solving, please ensure your child continues to carefully complete the UNDERSTANDING & PLANNING portion.  This is vital as it sets your child up for success in the SOLVING & EXPLAINING parts of their solutions :)  Thank you!


This week, I planned and prepared D.P.A. activities that took place outside where the kids could get much needed fresh air away from their SCREENS, but also complete challenges that were fun and engaging for them!

Monday's D.P.A. challenge got the students to sled down a hill and record their fastest times (see photos below).  These images are fantastic and reminded me of my childhood when I used to race my older brother Anil on our sleds at our motel.  

Wednesday's D.P.A. challenge, the students had to build an obstacle course in their yard and again time themselves.  I loved how creative everyone was!  The videos that some parents sent me were amazing and I know the kids enjoyed seeing them on our Meet too!!    

Today, I encouraged students to spend their D.P.A. time choosing their own activity to complete outside!!  Here they are in action :)  Kids have the BEST IMAGINATIONS and came up with creative ways to make the most of their D.P.A.  I love it!  Check out their smiles and enthusiasm!  

My students have inspired me to get OUTSIDE THIS WEEKEND and RUN, JUMP, and PLAY!!  YAY!

Thank you parents for ALL your photos and videos that you've been taking of your child completing their distance learning tasks.  It means a lot to me seeing my students' smiling and shining faces!!


Aww, check out Ryker making the most of her time at home not only completing daily assignments in Google Classroom, but also honing her culinary skills in the kitchen!!  

Mmm, this LOOKS DELICIOUS!  I want to JUMP INTO THE PHOTO and take a bite out of this yummy, cheesy HEART SHAPED homemade pizza!!  I can feel your LOVE :)

Lilia & Ben:

Check out Lilia and Ben here working on this week's STEAM CHALLENGE of making 'Homemade Rock Candy!'  I'm looking forward to seeing the finished products!!  Be sure to share with me when you're ready to do so!  I bet it's going to be a sweet treat :-)  YUMMERS!

Growth Mindset:


Miss Gill


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