Distance Learning Jan. 4 - 8th

Dear Families, 

It is with an open heart that I wish you all a Happy New Year!!  It was an absolute highlight for me seeing your child's bright, enthusiastic, and warm smile on our Google Meet on Monday!  Albeit not ideal with being virtual, I was still delighted to be reunited with my students to continue our journey of learning and growing :)

I am so, SO proud of my students and their commitment, participation, and hard work in completing their daily distance learning assignments!  It was a true pleasure reading each students' entries and providing feedback!  

Please know, I did my best to assign tasks that were meaningful, engaging, and continued to follow the grade 3 expectations that I would be teaching if we were in-class.  

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of YOU (parents) again for providing the support for your child(ren) to participate constructively and actively in their Google Classroom Assignments and Google Meets.  It truly made all the difference!!  Most days, we had 20 out of 20 students participate.  Let's keep this going boys and girls!!  

For those of you that have emailed me videos and photos, keep them coming please, they MAKE ME SMILE!  I've enjoyed sharing them with the class in our Meets and on this blog.

As we prepare for another 2 weeks of distance learning (Jan. 11-22nd), please know, I will continue working hard on my end to ensure my students receive the quality education they deserve to build upon their social, emotional, behavioural and academic needs.  I look forward to seeing your child in our next GOOGLE MEET: Mon. Jan. 11th @ 9:15AM.

I will be flexible and adaptable as we move forward as my top priority is to continue being a positive influence in your child's life!


In lieu of Christmas gifts this year, many families made generous donations to Sick Kids on my behalf.  I would like to personally thank each and every family and their child for doing so!  

It means so much to me as I feel it is very important to always think about the feelings of others, especially those in need.  Your thoughtfulness has made an impact in a child's life!

January’s Character Trait:

This month’s character trait is HONESTY – “We will always tell the truth.”  Throughout the school year, I have encouraged my students to always tell me the truth if they're experiencing any difficulty. Being dishonest only makes a problem / concern escalate and get bigger.

I look forward to reinforcing honesty is the best policy throughout this month through books, media presentations, and student action!  I am delighted to say, our class is filled with trustworthy students, how blessed we all are :)  

Check out the powerful video below of an honest action displayed by a young boy!  I'm sure it'll touch your heart just as much as it did to mine!

Google Classroom Assignments:

I have received positive and constructive feedback from families about the layout/format of my assignments (Google Slides) being user friendly and children are getting the hang of using the text boxes to record their responses.  Well done!

If your child faces any challenges with daily assignments, please do not hesitate to be in touch, we can make adjustments and set something up so that they feel SUCCESS.  

A gentle reminder to please remind your child to 'TURN IN' completed tasks for the day.  This is very helpful for me as then I can see it's done and offer timely feedback.  

If your child requires a 1:1 Meet to review and/or learn how to do this process, please email me and I'm happy to assist!

Mr. Morin & Mrs. Johnson's Google MEETS:

Here is a list of days/times for Mr. Morin's Music and Mrs. Johnson's Social Studies Google Meets for the next 2 weeks.  Mark these into a calendar if you wish, but I will also have these posted in Google Classroom on my slides presentation.  

Thank you parents for this feedback.  I now recognize that this is helpful for you to know in advance so you can schedule this in as part of your child's day.  

As always, my Google Meets will remain Mon. - Fri. from 9:15-10:40 A.M.  

Week of:  Jan. 11-15th

  • Mr. Morin’s MEETS:  Mon. @ 2:30PM ; Thurs. @ 12:10PM
  • Mrs. Johnson’s MEETS:  Tues., Wed., Fri. @ 12:10PM

Week of Jan. 18-22nd

  • Mr. Morin’s MEETS:  Mon. @ 2:30PM ; Thurs. @ 12:10PM
  • Mrs. Johnson’s MEETS:   Tues., Wed., Fri. @ 12:10PM

Kaylee, Ryker, Lilia Clara, Colin, Lily & Dougie:

Thank you Mrs. Teeter, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Huys, Mrs. Speirs Mrs. MacLean, Mrs. McKee, and Mr. & Mrs. Ottewell for sharing photos and videos of your child completing the egg drop challenge.  I shared these with the students in our Google Meets and it was a HIT! 

From the photos and videos, I could feel the enthusiasm and excitement in their reactions!!  Everyone's egg DIDN'T BREAK!  Success :)  Way to go boys and girls!  I will provide more STEM related CHALLENGES throughout distance learning for you to try!!


Thank you so much Mrs. MacLean for your positive feedback regarding our daily Google Meets and how much your son is enjoying participating in these sessions and completing his distance learning for me.  

I am delighted to hear that the format we're using (Google Classroom and Google Slides) is working well for you all as a family.  I appreciate all your active participation and will continue to work hard to provide a positive experience as we continue virtual learning.

Love seeing your positivity Colin!  Your smile says it all!  I am SO HAPPY you're enjoying your at home learning on your new computer that your parents bought you :)  Nice wireless mouse you're using.  I could definitely use one of those ;)  


Look at this smile :-)  I'm proud of you for utilizing the LEXIA Program to continue building and growing upon your reading comprehension skills.  You're doing so well, keep it up, buddy!!


Check out Ryker practicing her math skills in a FUN and INTERACTIVE way!  Have you tried playing Collingwoodopoly?!  It seems many of you received this board game over the break!  Such an educational and joyous board game to play as a family :)  

As a youngster, I used to play the original game and would stay up all night with my cousins and brother.  You could say, I was a tad 'competitive!'   

Lily's Worm Compost:
Thank you Mrs. Speirs for sharing this photo of Lily holding her styrofoam bucket of worms that came to your house this week!  Your daughter's passion for plants (and science in general) is infectious!!  Perhaps during one of our Google Meets, Lily could share how her worm compost is going :) 

Your family's passion to think of ways to help continue nurturing and saving our planet is inspiring!!   

Thank you Mrs. Smith for sharing this GREAT photo of your daughter who completed her art activity for the week!  It looks 3D-reffic!!  Your artistic abilities are awe-inspiring, Lilia!  Thank you for being and sharing your keen and creative spirit :)

Thank you Mrs. Chatterson for sharing this heart-soaring poem that Brooklyn wrote on Thursday evening.  It brought happy tears to my eyes!!  Your daughter's message in her poem are truly words to LIVE BY!  What an inspiration!!

For those who wish,  simply click on the photo to enlarge it to give it a read :)  I'm optimistic you'll be just as touched as I was when I read it!

Check it out below!  I LOVE seeing my students OUTSIDE enjoying the fresh air and our beautiful community that we can live, learn, and PLAY IN!  

I recognize that I assign quite a bit of CLASSWORK ;) But please know, I also strongly encourage and want my students to be ACTIVE and ENJOY BEING ONE WITH NATURE. Email in those pics!

Watch and listen to this 3 minute inspirational song!  It's catchy and upbeat :)  Then, think about what words and images help you understand what this song is about?  Please discuss with a family member what you believe the songwriter is teaching us.  

I realize there is a lot happening currently in world which has posed MANY challenges.  Let us not lose faith and hope, but start off the New Year right by continuing to think positively in our thoughts, words, and actions!  

With time and a growth mindset, all obstacles can heal, let's continue to GROW through what we're going through!!

Growth Mindset:
"If you can BE GOOD, you can DO GOOD!" - Oscar
Miss Gill


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