
Showing posts from January, 2021

Distance Learning Jan. 11-15th

Dear Families, Can you believe we’ve already completed our second week of distance learning after the break?!  It is zipping by!  Not surprisingly for our class family though as we’re making the most of this virtual platform experience learning and growing together!   Have I shared just how lucky I am to be your child’s teacher?  Being in this position is truly a dream come true for me!  Surely it's not ideal for me to teach from a screen, but I will continue putting forth my personal best, this I promise to each and every one of YOU!! Thank you for all the feedback parents, please know I take everything you suggest to heart and will do my best to make adjustments so our experience for virtual learning continues to be meaningful for your child and you! Distance Learning Updates: I shared with in you in an email earlier this week, but I will repeat some pertinent information again just in case you missed it.    I realize you're probably bombarded with work emails too and then al

Distance Learning Jan. 4 - 8th

Dear Families,  It is with an open heart that I wish you all a Happy New Year!!  It was an absolute highlight for me seeing your child's bright, enthusiastic, and warm smile on our Google Meet on Monday!  Albeit not ideal with being virtual, I was still delighted to be reunited with my students to continue our journey of learning and growing :) I am so, SO proud of my students and their commitment, participation, and hard work in completing their daily distance learning assignments!  It was a true pleasure reading each students' entries and providing feedback!   Please know, I did my best to assign tasks that were meaningful, engaging, and continued to follow the grade 3 expectations that I would be teaching if we were in-class.   I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of YOU (parents) again for providing the support for your child(ren) to participate constructively and actively in their Google Classroom Assignments and Google Meets.  It truly made all