
Showing posts from March, 2021
Dear Families, Is it really the last week of March?!  I hope you enjoyed the warmer temps and sunshine we had earlier this week!  It's definitely welcomed and has put a smile on all the children's faces as they run, jump, and PLAY :)   Thank you to all the staff and students who dressed up for CAMO DAY on Wednesday.  It was so great seeing all the different attire everyone was wearing.  The spirit days this month have been wonderful and gotten us all feeling connected as a school family :) Some of the teachers and I even got into the spirit after school, we went for a walk around Nottawa and got this FUN photo taken.  Can you find me?!  ;) I know the weather isn't so sunny and bright right now (Friday was quite grey and rainy), but I still hope you're able to enjoy some outdoor activity and have a lovely weekend as a family!  PS:  I hope we don't get 'fooled' next week (Thursday) ;) Character Recognition: March's character trait is Integrity -  “We can a
Dear Families, This year was the first time we got to celebrate St. Patrick's Day on its actual day the 17th!  The kids were excited and showed their spirit by dressing up in green!  I loved seeing most students and staff get into the spirit!  Check us out below :-) As a way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, we made a folding surprise art piece.  The kids always enjoy doing these and revealing what's inside ;)  Hopefully you were able to see your child's completed sliding leprechaun when it came home on Wednesday. Ryker: Ryker had some fun with building a leprechaun trap at her house with her family.  Check it out!  She even brought in the sneaky footprints he or she left behind, hehe. Additionally, it was another first this week for some students who have birthdays during March Break to actually be at school to celebrate with their peers and friends!  This was a special moment :)   I could feel Mason's (Mar. 16th) excitement and how much he's valued having his bi
Dear Families, Oh what a day!  Another glorious one filled with sunshine and smiles :-)  Your child and I are so happy to be in class making the most of our academic, social, and emotional learning!   It was a great week as we celebrated International Women's Day, a spirit jersey day, a virtual lesson by Wye Marsh, art inspired by Barbara Reid, and more structure building and researching with Mrs. Johnson.  Check it all out below :-) A friendly reminder that the clocks spring forward on Sunday!  I've forgotten in the past and that made for a speedy commute to school on a Monday morning (HAHA)! Anniversary of the Pandemic: Can you believe it's been a whole year since the pandemic began?  I would like to take this opportunity to reflect and think about how our lives have changed.   A year ago, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic marking the start of one of the most challenging chapters in modern health history.  Ontario has tragically lost more t