Week of: Nov. 9th - 13th

Dear Families,

I am really looking forward to virtually meeting with YOU next week at the student-led conferences where we will get to celebrate your child's strengths and areas of improvement!

It’s been another productive week of learning here in our class!  Below, you will see just how amazing it was :) Thank you for taking the time each week to read and support your child's learning.  Your active involvement is appreciated!

This BLOG serves as a communication tool between school and home.  Its purpose is to reinforce all that we're learning and what we're doing in class so you can help guide your child at home too!  It's making a significant difference :)

Rockin' Our P.J.'S:
Thank you to all our primary staff and students who participated in our friendly and fun spirit day!  It was definitely a cozy and comfy Friday for us all :)  

Today in gym, we played a fabulous cooperative game that ALL the kids enjoyed :)  I love seeing my students have the BEST TIME while getting meaningful physical activity.  Please ask your child about this game and the rules!  We will play it again next week.  It certainly got our hearts pumping!  

Progress Reports:
Yesterday, you all received your child's progress report card.  It was a joy writing these as it gives me the opportunity to think and reflect upon all the wonderful things your child is contributing in our learning community thus far.  It’s been a remarkable start to the year!  I truly feel blessed to teach and learn from your child each and every day!

I have encouraged my students to carefully go over the Learning Skills portion of this report card with you and to not focus solely on the letter grade (E, G, S, N), but to read the star (areas of strength) and arrow (areas for improvement) comments.  It is these comments that provide valuable insight into what will guide your child into continuing and instilling important work habits which will ultimately help them be successful in their academic, social, and behavioural journey in school.  

"How Am I Doing?"
Along with each progress report card, I had students think and reflect upon the following skills:

  • Completing my work 
  • Using my time wisely 
  • Following directions
  • Keeping organized

Students did a self-assessment (see photo above) in these areas as a means to set goals for themselves moving forward into term 1.  I will be regularly reinforcing these work habits throughout the year to help each child achieve their personal best!  Please feel free to do so at home as well using the criteria provided.  

Student-Led Conferences:
As mentioned briefly above, I look forward to connecting with my students' families next week!  A reminder, if you haven't already done so, please ensure you sign up for a day and time from our online tool (link provided in last week's post).  We are promoting online booking!  

If you have difficulty with this, please don't hesitate to contact our office.  I know Mrs. Beattie will be happy to help you with this process.

A friendly reminder that this will be a VIRTUAL STUDENT-LED CONFERENCE using Google Meet through Google Classroom.  I spent time this week going over this procedure with my students so they should be familiar with this process.  You must have reliable internet at home for this to work.  As I've gathered from your child, I believe you all do :)  

In your home, I am encouraging you to please find a space where your child can present his or her portfolio comfortably and effectively (e.g., the dining room table).  Have your child sit in the middle so you can see their work as they share.  If at all possible, please ensure siblings are not in the Meet as this may cause distraction for your child as he or she presents.  Your cooperation in this matter is valued.

I would ask that if you come onto the Meet and I am still with another family, please put yourself on mute and I will get to you as soon as possible.  Each conference is 15 minutes so I will do my best to stick to this timeline.  Thank you.

Remembrance Day Assembly:
On Wednesday morning, all staff and students participated in a Google Meet for our virtual Remembrance Day assembly to honour and express our gratitude to all those who have, are, and will continue to serve our country. 

It was heart warming to see so many classes participate and contribute to this assembly by saying a poem, sharing art, or singing a song.  Our class performed the song "Love Can Build a Bridge."  I was so proud of their presentation!  When we watched ourselves on the Google Meet, I could sense the pride in our classroom. 

Thank you to all the staff and students who wore red, white, and black for this ceremony.  Your love and appreciation for our veterans shined brightly! 

Each day, we sing O' Canada, and during this time, I ensure that my students and I demonstrate our utmost respect and take time in our own way to say 'thank you' for being part of a wonderful community, country, and world. 

At the conclusion of this virtual assembly, we had a special presentation by Jamie who took some time to share about and honour her great grandfather (photo below) who participated in WWII.  

Below is a brief history of Jamie's great grandfather's military service.  Thank you to Mr. Gordon (Jamie's dad) for sharing this information with me. 

Jamie's great grandfather was William Mark Lambourne.  He volunteered his army service at the age of 18 during WWII.  Due to his eyesight, he was not placed in infantry and ended up being a communications officer teaching morse code and radio operations.  

Mr. Lambourne did his basic training in Fredericton as all the Ontario bases were full.  He then came back to Base Borden in Angus for his advanced training.  

Upon completion of his advanced training, Mr. Lambourne left on a ship for England and was stationed outside London.  He served for a little over 3 years, and only started talking about his days in the army in his senior years.  Mr. Lambourne lived a happy and courageous life.  He died at the age of 94.

Thank you so much Jamie for this special presentation!!  It was so moving to hear the stories and experiences of your incredible family member.  It sparked some very meaningful discussions in class and helped inspire us in our Remembrance Day writing.

Connor O.
Thank you to my former student Connor for coming in to share his passion and knowledge about Remembrance Day.  

Connor talked to my students about the importance of recognizing and expressing our utmost gratitude to the past, present, and future veterans who serve our country.  We were all so interested and engaged during this presentation.  Check us out!!

Remembrance Day Writing & Art:
This week, I had the students think, brainstorm, and write about what Remembrance Day means to them and how we can bring peace to our home, school, and community.  The goal of this exercise is to promote love, kindness, and respect towards ourselves and peers, and in doing so, it will help create an environment that is peaceful and enjoyable for all!

I shared the picture book "Malala's Magic Pencil" to help get my students inspired to write about ways to make a difference for our world.  It's a GREAT BOOK and I thank Mrs. Teeter (Kaylee's Mom) for sharing it with me.  She knows me well and thought it'd be something I would enjoy reading to the class.  I sure did!!  There were many key learnings from this read aloud that we certainly can instill in our own life.

Your child will present his or her writing at the student-led conference next week.  I know you'll be so proud of their messages and what they plan to do to make our planet the most peaceful and best it can be!!

I am so proud of Ryker for bringing in a short biography about Malala Yousafzai.  This was prompted by our discussion of this significant activist.  I appreciate when my students make connections and show their enthusiasm for others who are making a difference to make our world better and brighter!

Virtual Scholastic Book Fair:
In previous years, we would be hosting a Book Fair during the week of Conferences.  However, due to our current situation (COVID-19), Mrs. Johnson has set up a virtual book fair that will take place Nov. 16th - 30th.  

If you are interested in this, please check out the link below to make your online purchase(s).  Also, if you have any questions regarding this book fair, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs. Johnson directly at: majohnson@scdsb.on.ca  She is keen and happy to assist!

Grammar Rule #3:
This week, our focus in grammar has been on CONJUNCTIONS!  Ask your child what this means.  In class, we worked in pairs to build sentences which included the words and, or, but (which are joining words).  Your child's grammar sheets have come home, please take some time to review this.  Many thanks!   

Over the past while, we have been working on identifying the geometric properties of 2D polygons and 3D figures.  We will soon be wrapping up this topic.  I have sent home a review sheet in preparation for an assessment next week (Thursday).  

Your child is encouraged to prepare for this assessment by going over the questions I've provided, my study notes, and accessing the IXL program and completing my recommendations that I've assigned.  

Below, you will find us working on and consolidating (think, pair, share) our geometric skills in class!   

On Monday, students will have an assessment for their unit on Plants.  Mrs. Johnson teaches the kids science and social studies.  If you have any questions or comments for these subject areas, please direct them to her :)  majohnson@scdsb.on.ca 

Today during music class, Mr. Morin presented 4 brand new ukulele's to the class.  This was a result of Lilia's generous donation she made a while ago.  Mr. Morin put in the order and it arrived today.  Lilia's sweet contribution has made a difference to our music program :)  

Thank you so much!  Lilia will be recognized on the morning announcements next week.

View the video below to watch a heartfelt and powerful video titled: “We Remember.”  It brought tears to my eyes.

After listening to the song with your child, discuss the images that you saw and think of ways we can create a more peaceful world.  Use evidence from the video (be specific!) to support your ideas.  

Growth Mindset:

Miss Gill


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