Week of: Nov. 2nd - 6th 2020

Dear Families,

Is it June or November!?  Wow, this week's been tremendous weather wise hasn't it!?  We've really been enjoying our time outside for gym classes soaking in the rays of sunshine. 

I hope you have a terrific weekend!  I imagine lots of time outdoors!  I know that's where I'll be!  Perhaps, I may even get out the kayak!  We live in such an amazing community - right on beautiful Georgian Bay!  Wishing you all a safe and adventurous fun-filled weekend with your loved ones!

Cooperation Recipients:

Congratulations to Jamie and Dougie for receiving last month's character trait for Cooperation!  I am so proud of you both for always displaying your cooperative ways in your thoughts, words, and actions.  Thank you for seeking out opportunities within the classroom to guide and support your peers!!  We HONOUR YOU!  

Payton & Clara:

Thank you to the families of Payton and Clara for sharing their daughters' Halloween costumes and photos with me.  They're so sweet and I adore your smiles girls!  I'm so happy to see that you enjoyed your Halloween festivities :)  

Student-Led Conferences:

I hope you had an opportunity to read through my note that came home yesterday (Thursday) regarding our upcoming student-led conferences which will be held the week of Nov. 16th - 20th.  

Thank you to the parents who have signed up already using our online format.  If you haven't had the opportunity to do so yet, no worries, I have provided the link below for you :)

Conference Link

Albeit virtually, I am really excited to SEE YOU ALL!!  Your child will be busily preparing for this conference as it is student-led, and I know he or she will make you so proud!!  

Success Criteria for Learning Skills & Work Habits:

This week, I had students work in small groups to collaborate as a team to come up with their own 'Expectations' and 'Criteria' for what each Learning Skill & Work Habit "Looks Like, Sounds Like, and Feels Like."  We started out with blank charts, but soon got our minds thinking and began brainstorming our ideas!  Check out the progression :) 

The purpose of this activity is to explicitly teach my students what each learning skill means and how they can achieve these in their daily life.  Students are learning to set their own goals as well to help them reinforce their strengths and improve their achievement in the areas of:
  • Responsibility
  • Independent Work
  • Collaboration 
  • Initiative
  • Organization
  • Self-Regulation  

We will be referring to their 'Criteria' that they've established throughout the school year!  I believe in the importance and value of having my students' input and voices heard.  I strongly feel this activity will serve as a purposeful tool in helping the kids put effective work habits into place to achieve their personal best in their academic, social and behavioural learning.

Below are some pictures of students working collaboratively to come up with ideas for each learning skill!  We'll have a closer look at these when we virtually meet for their child's student-led conference the week of Nov. 16th - 20th.  I look forward to it!

Next week’s writing task will focus on students thinking about and reflecting upon all 6 learning skills and work habits.  What I will have the students do is write their own Progress Report Card and self-assess how they think they’re doing in these areas!  I can't wait to see what they come up with!  

For each learning skill, they will write a specific star comment (what they think they’re doing well) and an arrow comment (what they need to improve upon).  I think they're really going to have fun during this process!

This task is a meaningful opportunity for students to set goals for themselves in various other subject areas.  Don’t worry, you will have the chance to see these student made progress reports very closely at the student-led conferences. Your child will be eager to share all their hard work with you!     

This week's grammar focus was on 'TYPES OF SENTENCES.'  Your child has brought home his or her work to share this learning with you.    

Below, you will see the kids in working action!  I provide students with the opportunity to work together to - THINK!  PAIR!  SHARE!  This process allows students to learn and grow from each other and take up our answers.

Google Classroom:
This week, I assigned a Halloween Recount for writing.  Students were provided lots of class time to work on this.  Ask your child to share with you what he or she has accomplished so far :)  Students are to take some time over the weekend to proof-read and edit their recounts.  'TURN IN' this assignment by Monday.  

As shared in last week's post, our focus in math is all about geometry: 2D shapes & 3D figures.  We are  learning to describe their geometric properties - faces, edges, vertices, and angle types!  It's a great unit that gets students to build and design using different math manipulatives.

This week, I provided snap cubes and challenged the students to create various multi-link cube designs (see models above).  They LOVED THIS!!  Here they are in their math groups building and creating as a T.E.A.M.!  After our building, we had some great discussions describing the geometric properties of various polygons.  


A gentle reminder to please encourage your child to utilize the IXL math program over the weekends (20 minutes/session).  I have assigned some 'geometry' course work as that is our current focus in math.  If your child completes my recommendations, then they can work on other geometry related tasks from the program :)  Many thanks for your support in this parents!

Remembrance Day:
On Nov. 11th, our school will be honouring Remembrance Day.  Unfortunately, we will not be having an assembly as we have in previous years, but students are still encouraged to dress in white and red to help honour our country and our veterans past and present.  I will provide sticker poppies for everyone to wear as well.  

Thank you Clara for making me these posters!  You've shared such a powerful message!  In class, we've had numerous discussions about accepting and embracing eachother's differences.  We are all special and unique in our own way!!  It's important that we continue to uplift and respect one another for who we are!  "It's OK to be different!"  Thank you Clara for helping reinforce this message with us :)

What does being PRESENT mean?  When we are in the moment, we can achieve so many wonderful things!  You will be amazed at the difference it makes in your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.  

Give this video a TRY to help you be more PRESENT and mindful in your thoughts, words, and actions!  Do it as a family :)  Sit or stand up to try this mindfulness activity today!

Growth Mindset:
"Instead of I can't make this any better, try thinking, I can always improve!"

Miss Gill


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