Dear Families,

Can you believe that we’re soon into the month of December?!  It’s been a mixed up month weather-wise hasn't it?  First, we had some snow and the kids were loving it with building structures outside.  But then this week, we've experienced 'warmer' temperatures and precipitation!  We'll see what the weekend brings.  I appreciate all my families providing the appropriate attire so your child is prepared for any event weather wise.  


This week, we began our learning about patterning!  The goal is for your child to identify, describe, extend, and create repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns.  

For repeating patterns, the focus is on naming the attributes (e.g., colour, size, shape, position, number) of patterns and how those attributes change.  

The focus for growing or shrinking patterns is to state the pattern rule: the start number and the amount that is added or subtracted each term.  Students practiced these skills in their "Extra Math Homework" earlier this week and will do it again in next week's homework.  

Below, you will see a collection of photos on the tasks that we worked on in pairs!  The goal was to identify, extend, and describe various numeric patterns. Students enjoyed this very much as it challenged them :)  

Check out this handy video below that we watched in class to help us identify numeric patterns and their rules.

Our focus next week will be on working with patterning and algebra word problems!  Stay tuned :)

Grammar Rule #5:

This week, we learned all about plural and singular nouns.  Below, I have posted a video which provides examples for this concept.  Take an opportunity to go over the grammar sheets and see how your child did.   

This week, we discussed the importance of being mindful when we choose what we drink each and every day.  "Rethink your drink!"  We must try to reduce sugary drinks in our diets.  

Take a minute and think about what you drink in a typical day. Unless you are a true water lover, you may be getting some extra, unneeded calories through sweetened soft drinks, sodas, iced tea, coffee, juice, and energy and sports drinks. In fact, sugary drinks are the number one source of added sugars in our diet.

Here are some tips on how to switch to healthier drinks that will quench your thirst and still taste good!

1.  Read nutrition labels and ingredients – Beverages like energy drinks can be deceiving because they advertise that they are healthy but usually are loaded with calories and added sugars. Common forms of added sugars are sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose, dextrose, syrups, concentrated fruit juice, agave and honey. Look at the label carefully because one container may be more than one serving, which can double or triple the added sugars you’re getting.

2.  Cut back slowly – If you have sugary drinks like sodas and sweetened teas on a regular basis, start cutting back now. Mix half sweetened and half unsweetened while you get used to less sugar, and gradually reduce the sweetness.

3.  Choose water – Replace sugary drinks with water. That can seem like a challenge if you aren’t a big fan. Here’s how to drink more water:
-  Carry a refillable water bottle or keep a cup at your desk to make water the easy choice.
 Add slices of your favourite fruits for a boost of flavor.
-  Try seltzer or sparkling water if you prefer fizzy carbonated drinks.

4.  Sip a smoothie – When you’re in the mood for something sweet or need an afternoon energy boost, skip the coffee and soda and try a budget-friendly homemade smoothie! Blend frozen fruits and veggies with plain, low-fat yogurt, milk or water.

After this lesson, students completed an activity page to describe various ways to be healthy in their mind and body.  We had some great discussions and students were eager to share their ideas!!  These pages will be coming home soon :)

Here are some photos of the kids collaborating and working in groups to share their different ways of leading an active and healthy life!

Bullying Prevention Writing:
I was so touched reading your child's writing about bullying prevention.  Everyone thoughtfully wrote their ideas and I could sense the love and appreciation my students had for this cause.  

You will have the opportunity this weekend to celebrate and honour your child's writing activities to help put an end to bullying!  I am confident you will be moved by their thoughts and words :)  

Thank you boys and girls for working with such pride and heart on this topic!!  It's up to you to help make a change for a better and brighter world for our future!  I believe in ALL OF YOU :)

Thank you Ryker for yet again bringing in a book that connects to character education which is near and dear to my heart.  The author's message is very meaningful and it is my hope that our class always remembers to BE THE BEST VERSION OF THEMSELVES!  It is important to acknowledge and celebrate our differences and accept one another as we are!!

Another topic that is important to me is Black History.  We have heard a lot about 'Black Lives Matter' on the news recently due to the tragic events in the US with the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.  It saddens me knowing that people continue to be mistreated because of the colour of their skin (racism).    

In class, I always try to shed light on the positive impacts people have made to help our world.  We've had a few discussions about various important black civil rights activists and how their contributions have made a significant difference!!  

Gabby took this to heart (thank you SO MUCH) and brought in a book that shares the story of the remarkable Viola Desmond.  Ask your child if he or she can share some information about this important activist and how she brought about POSITIVE CHANGE FOR CANADA.     

Thank you Colin and family for donating 45 buckets for our music program.  Mr. Morin is very appreciative of this kind donation.  It will come in handy for bucket drumming which the students love to learn and participate in!!

Watch!  Listen!  Learn!  Having a growth mindset is something we can all strive towards incorporating into our daily lives!  Each week as you know, I introduce our class to a new growth mindset and students write them into their agendas as a keepsake.  

Developing a growth mindset is important because it helps set a positive and peaceful tone to our learning each and everyday!  Believe to achieve boys and girls!

Growth Mindset:

Miss Gill


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