Back to In-Class Learning :)

Dear Families,

It's with an open and excited heart that I share with you my students having a very successful week back to in-class learning!!  Despite being away for 7 weeks, they didn't miss a beat and it was like we'd been here all along.  

I am so proud of the kids transitioning so smoothly and graciously.  This is a reflection of you ALL as parents helping prepare your child for back to school learning.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I look forward to continuing on this positive path for the duration of the school year.  

I would now like to wish you an enjoyable Family Day LONG Weekend!  Seize and savour that extra day off on Monday to spend quality time with all your loved ones! 

I do my best to enjoy my time off with those that I care about.  I love my brother and Ma dearly and look forward to extending my appreciation to them.  We're a small, yet MIGHTY family whom I am grateful for each and every day!

Character Education:
I would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to the following recipients for receiving a character recognition award.  Each of these students has displayed CHARACTER to a high degree in their thoughts, words, and actions.  Keep being magnificent YOU!  Well done!!

Congratulations to our EMPATHY recipients - Brooklyn & Ryan

Congratulations to our HONESTY recipients - Ben & Payton

Valentines Day:
Thank you to ALL the students who showed school spirit by wearing red, white, or pink!  It was so nice to see everyone get into the spirit to spread the message of LOVE and KINDNESS.   

Thank you families who took the time and energy out of your busy schedules to purchase Valentines for all of US to enjoy!  It meant a lot to each of us and we appreciate it!  

Kindness is like a BOOMERANG.  "No act of kindness however small is wasted."  Enjoy this inspiring song and video to get your hearts and minds into the spirit of giving :)  

Valentines Day (and everyday) is an opportunity to express our love and gratitude for one another.  We've certainly learned from Martin Luther King Jr.'s BIG WORDS - "Love is the key to the world's problems!"  Feel the love as you see my students shine and smile (it's apparent to me even behind a mask).  

In class, we listened to this heart soaring story.  Take a moment to give it a listen and ask your child what the author's message is and why.  I absolutely loved this one.  Thank you Mrs. Johnson for posting this onto our morning announcements.  She later said to me, "This had YOU written all over it!"    

Throughout the school year, I have been so moved by my students sharing their love and kindness with me each day they arrive with an open heart and open mind.  Like many celebrations throughout the year (e.g., Thanksgiving, Earth Day), I have shared with my students that Valentines Day is something that we must acknowledge and celebrate every day!  Yes my friends, it is the right time ANYTIME to spread LOVE, JOY, KINDNESS, and PEACE!

Bowls for Beds:
Thank you to the families who have paid to purchase their child's bowl that they will paint to support the Home Horizon Foundation which helps youth at risk of homelessness in our area.  This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart which I have had my students participate in the past 4 years I've been at Nottawa.  I'm delighted we will have this opportunity again this year!  Stay tuned for seeing and hearing about our experience in my next blog post :) 

Over the next while, I will be talking about and explicitly teaching my students about homelessness and how we can make a difference in the lives of those who face this hardship.  Together, we can make an impact for youth in our area.    

For more information about Home Horizon's Barbara Weider House, please visit Home Horizon

Spirit of Giving:
In the spirit of giving back, I came across this inspirational story about a Muslim man who is making a difference in the lives of those who are in need.  It connects well with our learning about Homelessness and supporting the Home Horizon Program.

Have a listen and be amazed at how a generous act of kindness can change someone's life for the better ... FOR GOOD!

Our next unit in math will focus on Algebra & Coding.  Please see below for specific expectations.

In this Algebra unit, students will learn to:
● Describe how variables are used in different contexts.
● Use variables to solve problems.
● Determine whether different addition and subtraction expressions are equivalent or not.
● Determine whether different multiplication and division expressions are equivalent or not.
● Identify and use equivalent relationships to solve problems.

In this Coding unit, students will learn to:
● Read, write and modify code to solve problems.
● Code sequential events.
● Code concurrent events.
● Code repeating events.
● Predict the outcome of code.
● Alter code and describe how this will change the outcome of sequential, concurrent and repeating events.

Students have been exposed to coding with our virtual lesson with Elephant Thoughts and my "Crack the Code" activities.  It's a concept that requires planning, perseverance, use of process of elimination, and an act on instinct ("Aha!  I tried it and it worked!").   

Check out the video below for a simple and straightforward explanation for 'What is Coding?'

Who is Rosa Parks?  Before you see the video with your child, check if he or she can give you some background knowledge of this important civil rights activist in their own words.  I think you will be delighted by how much they've learned about Mrs. Parks!

"The integrity, the dignity, the quiet strength of Rosa Parks turned her no ... 

Below, you will find students working in their THINK, PAIR, and SHARE groups to listen to and share their "Snow Day" short stories that they wrote prior to the winter break.  Thank you parents for your support in this homework task, they were a pleasure to receive and read!!

As I took these photos, it brought me sheer JOY seeing my students reunited face to face.  I'm sure it'll bring a smile to your face too seeing your child interacting with his or her peers away from a screen.

Tapping Technique:
Have you heard about the "Tapping Technique?"  It's a scientifically proven technique that works to rewire the brain by sending calming signals to the amygdala, the stress center of the brain, allowing both the body and brain to release limitations from negative experiences, emotions, thoughts and much more that hold us back from creating the life we want.

Most people don't realize how big of an impact chronic stress has on their life.  It affects their health, their ability to think clearly, and their ability to be happy and to create the life they want.  It doesn't have to be this way though!

Check out the video below which gives you an explanation of tapping and how you can incorporate it into your life too!

This week, my students and I used the tapping technique in our Brain Gym routine.  Please ask your child about this and give it a TRY at home.  May you too benefit from its calming signals sent straight to your brain (prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, cerebellum, and cerebrum).

Have a great long weekend and KEEP TAPPING!

Lily & Payton:
I love when my students are inspired and connect to what we're learning in class!!  Both Payton and Lily brought in resources to share with us about OUR BRAINS!!  Yes, it's the MOST IMPORANT organ in our body.  What's more is if we learn about it and apply techniques to help utilize it to its full capacity, we can BE THE BEST VERSIONS OF OURSELVES academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviourally.  All we need to do is TRY :)  Your brain can do it!

Thank you girls for sharing and caring about our brains!  I look forward to continuing to learn and grow with you!!

The NBA celebrates Black History Month.  Please listen and enjoy Doc Rivers thoughts paying tribute to the NBA's first black coach - Bill Russell.  One of the most powerful words from this video for me was:  "Red didn't look at him as a black man, but as a man who could coach!" 

I believe we have come a long way from the injustices of the past.  Today, we see each other not by the colour of our skin, but by the content of our character.  May we continue moving forward in this positive direction and ensure we keep it this way!!

Growth Mindset:
"If you can BE GOOD, you can DO GOOD!" - Oscar

Miss Gill


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